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%Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is ramping up its investments in %ArtificialIntelligence (A.I.) around the world, pledging to spend $5.60 billion U.S. on the technology in Europe.

Microsoft said that it will quadruple its A.I. and cloud infrastructure investments in Spain, reaching $2.10 billion U.S. by the end of 2025.

Last week, the technology giant promised to spend $3.50 billion on new A.I. investments in Germany over the next two years.

Microsoft’s increased investment comes as European regulators require that American technology companies build local data centres and stop storing European user data elsewhere.

Google parent company %Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) has also announced new A.I. investments in Europe recently as it tries to sell governments on the continent on using it’s A.I. tools for administration and cybersecurity.

Microsoft is a leader in the field of generative A.I. having invested more than $10 billion U.S. in privately held %OpenAI.

Alphabet too is seen as a leader in the field of A.I. with its cutting-edge DeepMind laboratory that is focused on the theoretical and practical applications of the technology.

Microsoft’s stock has risen 60% in the last 12 months and currently trades at $402.92 U.S. per share.

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