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%MetaPlatforms (NASDAQ: META) is building a new %ArtificialIntelligence (A.I.) model designed to power its entire video recommendation engine across all of its platforms.

The company said that, once complete, the new A.I. model will be able to power both the company’s Reels short videos as well as longer videos found on Facebook and other social media sites.

To date, Meta has used separate models for each of its platforms such as Reels and the core Facebook feed.

Executives for Meta Platforms made the A.I. announcement at the %MorganStanley (NYSE: MS) technology conference in San Francisco, California.

Management added that they plan to use A.I. to improve the overall performance of all their social media platforms and other products such as virtual reality headsets.

Meta Platforms has seen an 8% to 10% gain in Reels watch times during trials of the new A.I. model, said the company.

Meta executives also said that the company is in the process of developing digital assistants that use A.I., similar to %ChatGPT.

Additionally, Meta is using generative A.I. to build more sophisticated chatting tools into its core Facebook social media feed, and is experimenting with integrating A.I. assistants into Facebook so that if a person asks a question about desserts, for example, they can get an answer from A.I.

The stock of Meta Platforms has risen 170% over the last 12 months to trade at $496.09 U.S. per share.

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