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This firm’s WANDA technology provides real-time data collection and actionable insights that streamline task management and overall operational efficiency. And a recent announcement of new funding has shares moving higher.

%Visionstate Corp. (TSXV: $VIS ) announced in a press release today that it has secured funding to advance the %AI capabilities of its proprietary WANDA technology through a partnership with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii). As Visionstate leverages Amii’s leading AI expertise, the time-intensive and complex scheduling process will be streamlined, producing schedules that meet task completion requirements and adapt to constantly changing conditions.

Shannon Moore, President of Visionstate IoT Inc., said, “As a company committed to driving innovation in facility management, partnering with Amii allows us to push the boundaries of what AI can do for our clients. By integrating machine learning into our scheduling systems, we are taking a significant step towards enhancing the efficiency of task management in real-time. This collaboration not only aligns with our vision for smarter operations but also provides tangible value to facility managers by simplifying the complexities of day-to-day scheduling.”

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