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Though an official announcement has not been made, %Apple ($AAPL ) is widely expected to delay the launch of it iOS 16 operating system until October of this year.

iOS 16 was expected to launch publicly in September. But iPad owners will likely have to wait until October, according to multiple media reports.

Apple developers apparently need more time to work out several bugs in the operating system, notably with %StageManager, a feature that allows users of the M1 iPad Pro device to multitask, resize windows, and drag multiple apps at the same time.

The beta version of iOS 16 included Stage Manager, and people who tested it found multiple bugs and complained that the interface is confusing, leading to revisions and the delayed launch.

This would mark the first time in years that an iOS launch from Apple has been delayed. However, there is speculation that Apple might now launch the updated operating system in tandem with its new M2 iPad Pro device in October.

Apple stock is down 9% this year at $166.13 U.S. per share.

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